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Frontiers of Education in China

ISSN 1673-341X

ISSN 1673-3533(Online)

CN 11-5741/G4

Postal Subscription Code 80-979

Front. Educ. China    2016, Vol. 11 Issue (3) : 272-298 3868/s110-005-016-0024-2
Research article
Achieving Equity and Quality in Japanese Elementary Schools: Balancing the Roles of State, Teachers, and Students
Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan
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The aim of this paper is to explore perspectives on equity, quality, motivation, and resilience by focusing in depth on the perspectives of educators in one small, semi-rural school in Japan. The paper is intended to provide rich, in-depth data and discussion as a way of providing insights from different perspectives into findings from large-scale international assessments. The two key questions addressed in the paper are, (1) How are equity and quality achieved and maintained in Japanese elementary schools? and (2) How are student motivation and resilience perceived and fostered in Japanese elementary schools? These questions are addressed through analysis of key official documents related to the questions, together with analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with education professionals working in an elementary school. The paper will contribute to understanding the perspectives of teachers in a particular school context in Japan on the roles of state, teachers, and children themselves in the task of achieving and maintaining equity and quality in a high performing education system.

Keywords education quality      elementary school      equity      Japan      teacher perspectives     
Issue Date: 10 October 2016
 Cite this article:   
Lynne PARMENTER. Achieving Equity and Quality in Japanese Elementary Schools: Balancing the Roles of State, Teachers, and Students[J]. Front. Educ. China, 2016, 11(3): 272-298.
 URL: 3868/s110-005-016-0024-2
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